See if you can spot the hidden self portrait.
I started two graphic design internships in September, because why do one when you can do two like a crazy idiot, and with nights in retail I've been working about 70 hours a week. So that's why I've been dead. It's working out OK. Both internships are very hands on and I'm learning a ton, and I'm excited to see how what I'm learning effects my personal work.
The main negative thing about the whole 70 hours a week thing is I've become a coffee drinker. I made a pretty good effort over the years to not rely on it, getting through college with cups of tea instead, but I finally broke down. I want it all the time. I finish a cup and instantly want another cup.
Update on the guy across the street because you care: He has a fence now. He built it over 3 consecutive Sunday mornings. I bet he feels like a king now. We eat breakfast together every morning. And by eat breakfast together I mean I scarf down cereal while staring at him and he smokes about 4 cigarettes before I finish.
this looks amazing!
4 cigs for breakfast? Breakfast of champions
Yeah, this looks really cool. I ran into him the other week and he asked me if I had a record player, and I said no because that's the truth but then he showed me the record and implied that he would have given me one if I only had something to play it on. darn!
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